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Effects, Uses, and How to Grow Psilocybe ovoideocystidiata

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Effects of Psilocybe ovoideocystidiata
Psilocybe ovoideocystidiata contains the alkaloid compounds psilocybin and psilocin. It’s these molecules that are responsible for the mushroom’s psychoactive effects. Trace amounts of the tryptamine alkaloids Aeruginascin , baeocystin, norbaeocystin have also been found in P. ovoideocystidiata. 
The main commonly reported effects associated with psilocybin include:
1. Altered perception
Psilocybin can distort someone’s perception of reality, causing them to experience hallucinations (seeing, hearing, and feeling things that aren’t present).
Colors, shapes, and textures may also appear more vivid and intense. hallucinations are typically present with higher doses of psilocybin, whereas illusions (“misinterpretation of a correct sensory input,” or distorted visual or sensory perception of objects that are present) are more common.
2. Changes in thought
Psilocybin can alter someone’s mind, leading to increased insight, changed perspectives, and creativity. 
3. Emotional effects
Psilocybin can bring about emotional effects that range all the way from feelings of euphoria, happiness, and calmness to anxiety and fear. A person’s existing emotional state can also be amplified while on psilocybin.
4. Physiological effects
Psilocybin can cause small increases in someone’s body temperature, blood pressure, and heart and breathing rate. In some people, psilocybin can also cause nausea and vomiting.
5. Time distortion
Someone’s experience of time may differ while on psilocybin. For example, time may appear to speed up or slow down.
6. Mystical experiences
People may experience mystical experiences while on psilocybin, particularly at high doses. These experiences are characterized by feelings of transcendence, awe, and unity with a higher power.
You can learn more about the subjective and physical effects of psilocybin-containing mushrooms, including mental and physical risks, by checking out our psilocybin mushroom guide here. 
Although there’s not much information about any species-specific effects of Psilocybe ovoideocystidiata, one trip report on shroomery said:

Once in it, I was having mild visual distortions, body euphoria, body relaxation, chills, goosebumps. Very body heavy trip. It was so nice! At one point I almost felt a little sedated…

Ovoids have always been a less visual trip for me. At higher doses they do produce brilliant rainbow highlighted effects and awesome fractal visions, but only briefly. They really are a beautiful mushroom that is unique to its kind.

Psilocybe ovoideocystidiata contains the alkaloid compounds psilocybin and psilocin. It’s these molecules that are responsible for the mushroom’s psychoactive effects.

How strong are Psilocybe ovoideocystidiata?
According to a chemical analysis, the content of psilocybin and psilocin in Psilocybe ovoideocystidiata is on average 0.45% and 0.13%, respectively. 
On the forum shroomery, users have reported its strength to be “moderately potent” and somewhere between Psilocybe cubensis and Psilocybe cyanescens (otherwise known as “wavy cap” mushrooms). 
However, it’s important to recognize that potency is affected by several factors, meaning potency can vary significantly between mushrooms and grows. 
These factors include:

How old the mushrooms are
Weather conditions 
Sun and nutrient exposure
How well the mushrooms have been stored (it’s essential that, once foraged or harvested from a grow, mushrooms are kept away from sunlight and oxygen, or they lose potency).

In addition, how strongly you feel the effects of psilocybin will be influenced by things such as:

Tolerance to psychedelics, whether or not it’s your first time consuming psilocybin, and how frequently you use psilocybin mushrooms
Body weight
Psychological expectations
Whether you’re using any medications that could interact with the mushrooms’ effects

Therefore, because the strength of psilocybin can sometimes be unpredictable, it’s good practice to begin with a low dose and gradually increase the amount by small increments according to your subjective experience and desired effects.
In general, dosing guidelines for psilocybin mushrooms recommend one gram as a mild dose, two to three grams as a moderate dose, and three and above for a strong dose. 

While the infographic above may be helpful for understanding general psilocybin mushroom dosage, there are no clear guidelines on dosing for Psilocybe ovoideocystidiata.
One shroomery user report, however, described ingesting one gram as similar to calming effects some people may experience under the influence of cannabis, two grams with similar feelings but with added light psychedelic effects, and 2.5 grams with obvious hallucinations and a mental high.
It’s important to note that with higher doses, psilocybin’s effects are more psychedelic, which could increase the risk of confusion, anxiety, and paranoia.
Therefore, if you’re thinking about taking a large dose of psilocybin mushrooms, it may be wise to do so under the guidance of a trained facilitator or as part of a guided mushroom ceremony, especially if it’s your first time. 
To explore a list of well-reviewed retreat centers offering guided psilocybin experiences, you can check out our psychedelic retreat directory here. 

How does Psilocybe ovoideocystidiata work in the brain?
Psilocin is structurally similar to serotonin, a neurotransmitter involved in regulating mood, appetite, and sleep.
In the brain, psilocin interacts with serotonin receptors, predominantly the 5-HT2A type. This interaction leads to several neurological effects thought to underlie psilocybin and psilocin’s psychoactive and therapeutic mechanisms, including:
1. Increasing neurogenesis
Neurogenesis is the growth of new nerve cells. By increasing the production of a molecule called brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), psilocybin and psilocin can increase neurogenesis, particularly in the hippocampus of the brain. 
Since the hippocampus is involved in learning and memory, neurogenesis could explain why some people report long-lasting positive changes in their mental health and well-being following psilocybin experiences. 
Neurogenesis may also explain some of the cognitive-enhancing effects commonly reported with microdosing. You can learn more about these benefits and how to use microdosing to experience them yourself by checking out our microdosing course here.
2. Changes in functional connectivity
Brain-scanning experiments have shown psilocybin can alter functional connectivity, the patterns of connection between different regions of the brain. 
While on psilocybin, brain scans of participants show communication activation patterns between brain regions that are typically unconnected. This breakdown of normal connectivity between sensory brain regions could explain why people experience altered perception during psilocybin experiences. 
In addition, this mechanism could explain some of the therapeutic effects of psilocybin, as it allows new thought patterns to emerge, helping people gain better insight and perspectives about their lives or re-addressing negative thoughts and behaviors. 
“When new areas in the brain start talking to each other, for example, you might have new insights into old problems. And that’s why some experts describe tripping as a condensed version of talk therapy,” said Matthew Johnson, an Associate Professor of Psychiatry at Johns Hopkins University, in a video interview. 
3. Decreasing activity in the default mode network (DMN)
The DMN is a set of brain regions that activate when people are mind-wandering or engaged in tasks that require self-reflection. As such, the DMN is often associated with a sense of self or “ego.”
Brain-scanning studies show psilocybin decreases activity in the DMN, which may contribute to the sense of ego-dissolution and the feeling of interconnectedness often reported during psychedelic experiences. 
In addition, the DMN has also been associated with rumination (repetitive thinking and dwelling on negative feelings and thoughts), so the reduction of DMN activity could explain some of psilocybin’s mood-enhancing and antidepressant effects.
“Psilocybin gives people a break from the obsessive thoughts that have defined their sense of self, allowing them to relive repressed memories without the stories attached,” said Elena Schmidt, a Third Wave author, in a recently published blog post. 
Learn more about the neuroscience of psilocybin by checking out the full blog post here or watch the video below:

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