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Pα+ Psychedelic Bulletin #164: Lykos Dominates News Cycle; EPIsoDE Trial Readout; EU Drug Report Discusses Psychedelics; DEA Should Improve RFRA Petition Process; Other News

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Gosh, it’s been a busy few weeks! Our news cycle has been dominated by Lykos Therapeutics-related stories, from ICER’s report and panel meeting through to FDA’s Advisory Committee meeting and yesterday’s patent-related news.
Elsewhere in the psychedelics field, things have been a little quieter; especially for this author who was unable to attend the sixth edition of the Interdisciplinary Conference on Psychedelic Research (ICPR) in Haarlem.
Despite psychedelics companies taking a backseat on the news front as they let Lykos soak up the limelight—for better or worse—there are several headlines to share.
Let’s get you up to speed…
In this Issue

Lykos, Lykos, Lykos…
A First Look at EPIsoDE Trial Results
European Drug Report Briefly Discusses Psychedelics’ Potential Therapeutic Uses, Risks
DEA Should Improve Religious Exemption Petition Process, Says U.S. Government Accountability Office
Other Stories

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