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Ontario chiefs seek halt to online mining claim-staking – by Staff (Northern Ontario Business – January 3, 2024) – Republic of Mining

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Chiefs of Ontario resolution calls for year-long moratorium pending review
Indigenous leaders in Ontario are calling for a moratorium on the virtual staking of mining claims while they review the process to ensure that impacted First Nation communities are being properly consulted.
In a resolution passed last November during the organization’s annual fall assembly, the Chiefs of Ontario say the Mining Lands Administration System (MLAS) puts pressure on First Nations to participate in potential mineral development opportunities while also reducing the amount of land available for land claim settlements that are already underway.
“The online claim-staking process further allows for the minimization of First Nations consent and any requirements based on the duty to consult and accommodate by being conducted in a globally accessed virtual environment,” states the resolution, outlined in a document obtained by Northern Ontario Business.
“The invisible virtual mining process in Ontario compromises and impacts the spirit and intent of all treaties and unceded territories in Ontario.” Using the MLAS, which was introduced in 2018, anyone can go online, register, and stake an Ontario mineral claim with a few clicks of a mouse.
For the rest of this article: industry-news/mining/ontario-chiefs-seek-halt-to-online-mining-claim-staking-8050947

This article was published by: Stan

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