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About the
psychedelics industry

The global pandemic has left an impact on all our lives, especially on mental wellbeing. Lockdown and social isolation have led to a spike in mental health issues among the general population. According to decades of research, psychedelics have been proven effective in treating mental disorders such as anxiety, depression and PTSD. With the potential to revolutionize mental healthcare, there has been a surge of biotech startups and healthcare giants, such as Johnson & Johnson, receiving approval from the Food and Drug Administration to conduct several clinical trials with LSD, Ketamine, and psilocybin for mental health treatment. Followed by the legalization and decriminalization of Psychedelics in US cities including California, Denver and Oregon, the industry has been on the rise with an estimated projection to reach $10 Billion USD by 2027. The increase in research and government acceptance has captured the attention of investors, including high net worth individuals, cannabis investors, family offices and retail investors.

As opposed to cannabis, there are reduced policy risks associated with Psychedelics because they will be legalized in a medical context rather than for recreational usage. However, investors must not assume that psychedelics would see the same level of success as cannabis, as it will still require convincing of the general public and government officials. Additionally, psychedelic companies generally take longer periods of time to become profitable, thus it is recommended that investors conduct thorough research through reading up on articles, publications and other forms of news sources, prior to investing.

The Psychedlics Investor is a publication educating and informing investors about new legislation approvals, rising psychedelic companies, and other relevant sources of information to help navigate investing in the ever-changing psychedelics market.


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