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Pα+ Psychedelic Bulletin #166: Crenshaw and Musk Weigh In on MDMA; Drug Devs Clarify Trial Design In Wake of AdComm; Mini Interview: Joshua Ismin, Psylo

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In this Issue

Dan Crenshaw and Elon Musk Add Fuel to Lykos ‘Dumpster Fire’ Drama
‘They Not Like Us’ — Psychedelic Drug Developers Emphasise Avoidance of Lykos’ Perceived Pitfalls

atai Life Sciences
Beckley Psytech
Compass Pathways

Mini Interview: Joshua Ismin, Psylo
Other Stories


It’s been another testy week in the admittedly nebulous psychedelic ‘community’, as those in favour of FDA approval of Lykos Therapeutics’ MDMA-assisted therapy for PTSD find their voices elevated by some significant public figures.
Over the weekend, Republican Dan Crenshaw took a break from advertising Endex Fitness, his company that sells ‘the worlds [sic] first integrated modular conceal carry holster pants & shorts’, to take aim at Lykos’ critics.
In a ~2 minute video-assisted tweet, Crenshaw railed against both ICER and Psymposia, arguing that the former “influenced” the FDA Advisory Committee that voted against the intervention. “These technocrats think they know better than scientists”, he wrote, adding that “Their job is to say NO and support the status quo that makes Big Healthcare plenty of money”. “But there’s hope”, Crenshaw’s tweet continued. “These groups aren’t the FDA”, he said, adding that “We must support the science and push past these activist groups.”
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